Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, Last day of November! Really? wow

So, I woke up with a KILLER headache. Which wasn't in the plan at all! I had planned to spend my day off of work, hitting the gym and finishing up some small projects around the house. Instead, there was lots of advil and allergy medications, sitting on the couch in the dark, drinking gallons of water.... FINALLY the headache went away around 3PM.. hmmm.. not much of my day left.

Made myself feel human again, and headed to Yoga with jed513. Ya know there's times when I don't see jed513 for weeks, then this week I've seen her 3 times!

Yoga was good. I was a little nervous, since jed513 is little and bendy and I'm neither of those... but we did a lot of stretching and I slept well that night.

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